Tutor companies

No simulations, just tangible products

or organisations that would like to experience the benefits of Human Centered Design can commission a project with The HCD School.

The project can be designed for customers or for resources within the organisation. Some examples? Projects could investigate how to:

  • engage with new target customers
  • introduce a new instrument/process in the company
  • facilitate and disseminate the use of a product
  • imagine a new product/process
  • explore whether and to what extent an idea is practicable


Taking on a tutor role, the company

  • enjoys the advantages of a high-quality project at the cost of a sponsorship
  • acquires new ways of addressing and interacting with the market
  • involves its resources in a process of transformation
  • assesses resources in the field for future collaborative projects (internships, consultancy, recruitment).


Supporting the HCD School, companies undertake to:

  • submit a project to be assigned to one of the 4 teams
  • indicate their contact person for the project
  • be available for meetings between the project team and the internal personnel involved.

Becoming a tutor company costs €5,000 plus VAT (if requested).